Saturday, February 26, 2011

Just to love the purpose of being blessed with, "life"

Child labour is one of the biggest issues that our country is facing with today. But this victim of child labour is indeed an inspiration.In our struggle of life we forget and miss to cherish the beautiful gift of life. Imagin the life of this kid, no idea what holds for him in future still his smile speaks about how he knows to cherish and live the gift of life. His smile simply teaches us:- 

Why is it so difficult for us to be and live the way we are….
Why can’t we follow what are mind says is right….
Why can’t we do things from heart….
Why can’t we live life from the heart….
Why can’t we follow our instincts….
Why do we loose our simplicity in the complexities of the world….
The theory to happiness is to just keep giving your best without expectations...
As happiness is not the success; it is the journey and we should live this journey like never before….

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